Prewedding Photoshoot with Suzi & Syameer
It has been a long time since I last update this blog with wedding related photography. It is not that I have stopped doing wedding photography but I have been very busy with one wedding photo shoot after another. Then after all those wedding events need to complete their wedding albums.
During the first half of 2015, we are proud to be wedding partner for this couple (Suzi & Syameer) who have appointed us to be wedding photographer covering all their events. The events included pre-wedding, solemnization, malam berinai (not sure what does it call in English), bride’s reception and groom’s reception. For all of the events mentioned, we also have the privilege of working with renowned and talented make-up artist Fatimah Ishak who gave her touch for the couple.
First up, we will share the prewedding photography that was done in Banting, Selangor. I have been there on a number of occassions for photoshoot but the recent news on that place is a little bit negative with thugs and photographer been robbed off their equipment. However we braved ourselves to the location to capture some fantastic moment. To ensure we get a good lighting we arrived at the location at around 5.00 p.m. This gave us ample time to get some daylight photos and showed the couple frolicked in the sun. Eventhough at that time, the sun was still hot and we have to take a short break for a few times to touch-up the couple. Luckily the package they took was Photography plus Makeup with Makeup Artist standby until completion of events.
For what we went there for, we managed to get many beautiful shots during sunset. The weather was good, the sky was clear. It was a great outing and all of us, the client, the makeup artist and myself were satisfied.
Here are some selected shots from the prewedding photography. For enquiry on our wedding photography package kindly contact us at 0173749707 (whatsapp enable).